Assumption Catholic Church
323 West Illinois Street - Chicago IL 60654
(ph) 312-644-0036 - (fax) 312-644-1838 
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  Readings for Today

Mass Schedule

7 am & 12:10 pm

7:30 am & 5 pm (for Sunday)

7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:15 pm, & 5:00 pm

Free Parking for weekend Masses, weddings, funerals, and special feast days is available in the 311 W Illinois building. 
Click for directions and details


Join the party!

Saturday, February 22, 6pm

Tickets include a pizza buffet, salad, dessert, wine, beer and soft drinks.

Tickets are $20 per person, $10 for children under 12.

Pizza will be served promptly after the 5pm Mass.
Click HERE to reserve and pay. (not the Donate button above)

Lenten Fish Fry  

Back by popular demand
our Lenten Fish Fry

Friday, March 14
5:00 to 7:00pm in the Parish Hall.

$25.00 per person (all you can eat); children 5 to 11, $15.00; under 5, free. Meal includes fish, sides, salad, dessert, and drinks.
(Free parking will be available in the 311 building garage)

Reserve and pay on line here

Lenten Scripture Study  

We invite you to participate in a weekly guided study and discussion of the Scriptures assigned for the Sundays of Lent, using materials provided by Renew International.

There will be two spearate groups this Lent. A daytime group will meet at the Rectory on Fridays from 10:00 to 11:15am, beginning March 7. The evening group will meet on Mondays from 6:00 to 7:15pm, beginning March 3. For more information or to sign up email

Baptism Preparation Session  

Our next preparation session for parents (and, if possible, godparents) of infants to be baptized is Monday, March 10, at the Rectory. Sessions are from 7:00 to 8:15pm.  These sessions are for first time parents and for parents who have never before attended a preparation session. Call the Parish Office to register. It is not necessary to wait for the baby to be born to attend a preparation session. Baptisms normally take place on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 1:15pm and on the first weekend of the month during Mass. More here

Mass Live Streamed  

The Sunday 9:00am Mass will be live-streamed. Click here to see it, or to watch a recorded version beginning around noon.

Honoring St Peregrine  

Assumption has a prayer service in honor of St. Peregrine, the cancer saint, following the 12:10 Mass on Mondays. St. Peregrine was a fourteenth century Servite Friar who was miraculously healed of cancer after spending a night in prayer before an image of Christ crucified.

Be One of The 300  

Have you seen the invitation to Be One of The 300 in the weekly bulletin? (see it here)

If we have 300 people willing to make a sustaining donation of $10 a month, then we will be able to adequately fund not only Assumption Shares, but also the Saturday sandwiches we make for Chicago Help Initiative and the monthly grocery bill for the migrant family of eight that Assumption helps support. $10 a month is a very small amount that will go a long way if we have the participation we need. And your monthly gift is easy to set up electronically. Just click HERE. The first option in the dropdown menu will be Assumption Shares.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament  

There will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction on the third Monday of the Month from 5:00 to 7:00pm. Our next period of adoration is Monday February 17. There is free validated parking at MartPark, Orleans and Hubbard.