Assumption Catholic Church
323 West Illinois Street - Chicago IL 60654
(ph) 312-644-0036 - (fax) 312-644-1838 
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  Readings for Today

Mass Schedule

7 am & 12:10 pm

7:30 am & 5 pm (for Sunday)

7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:15 pm, & 5:00 pm


Child Care at 10:30 Mass -Temporarily suspended

Free Parking for weekend Masses, weddings, funerals, and special feast days is available in the 311 W Illinois building. 
Click for directions and details

Italian Dinner - November 7  

It's a grand Assumption tradition that goes back Ninety-One years. The Italian Dinner will take place on Thursday, November 7 from 6:00 - 8:30pm at Coco Pazzo, 300 W. Hubbard. This year we have a new venue and a new way for you to show your support for Assumption at the dinner. The delicious menu includes antipasti, insalata, entrees, dolce, and caffe. You will not leave hungry! Wine, beer, and soft drinks are included; cash bar for other drinks. Tickets are $125 and reservations are required (we are almost at capacity). 

If you have RSVP'd to the evite, please make sure you complete your payment via Give Central or by sending a check to the Parish Office.

Eucharistic Adoration  

There is exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the Third Monday of the month from 5:00 to 7:00pm. Adoration will next take place on Monday, October 21. To learn more about Eucharistic Adoration, watch this short video by Fr. Mike Schmitz. 

Assumption Young Adults  

Assumption Young Adults will gather for wine and cheese following the 5:00pm Mass on Sunday October 20. For more information, email AYA is for anyone in their twenties or thirties, single, coupled, or married.

Helping the Needy  

The Chicago Help Initiative (CHI) will have its annual fundraiser on October 24 at the Forum, 110 North Wacker. CHI helps the unhoused and the underserved by providing meals, social services and community. For more information, visit

All Saints Day  

On Friday, November 1, the Solemnity of All Saints, we honor all the women and men from every time and place who now share in the fullness of life with God. All Saints Day is a Holyday of Obligation. Masses are at 7:00am, 12:10pm, and 6:00pm. Parking will be available in the 311 Building for the 12:10 and 6:00pm.

All Souls Day  

Saturday, November 2, All Souls Day or Day of the Dead, is a special day of prayer and remembrance for deceased loved ones. Mass for All Souls will be at 7:30am. We will pray in a special way for the members of our faith community who have died during the last three years.

Baptism Preparation Session  

Our next preparation session for parents (and, if possible, godparents) of infants to be baptized is Monday, November 11, at the Rectory. Sessions are from 7:00 to 8:15pm.  These sessions are for first time parents and for parents who have never before attended a preparation session. Call the Parish Office to register. It is not necessary to wait for the baby to be born to attend a preparation session. Baptisms normally take place on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 1:15pm and on the first weekend of the month during Mass. More here

Mass Live Streamed  

The Sunday 9:00am Mass will be live-streamed. Click here to see it, or to watch a recorded version beginning around noon.

Pet Blessing  

Our Annual Pet Blessing set a record! 

Last Saturday we had 92 pets—6 cats and 86 dogs (no snakes, monkeys, or elephants).  A brief news story about the blessing also appeared on Channel 2 news Saturday night and Sunday morning. Thank you to all who visited!

NEW: Enjoy this re-cap video of the furry festivities!  Click Here



Blessing of Runners  

On Saturday night at  the 5:00pm Mass, we blessed 58 runners participating in the Bank of America Marathon. Three runners wearing their completion medals attended the 5:00pm Sunday Mass.

Click the photo for a High-Def version.

NEW: Click here for a video re-cap!

Opportunities to Serve  

A new brochure is available listing many opportunities to serve. Download a printable tri-fold brochure  here. Or, look in the "Getting Involved" section for more details about many of these groups.

Laudato Si' and Me  

Assumption Parish embraces Pope Francis’s encouragement to us to care for God’s creation, our common home. We each have a personal opportunity to commit to the goals through Assumption’s Laudato Si’ and Me information site, which offers practical ideas for action.  Click here to view twelve topical themes and action ideas for each one.  Click here for a video of Father John Pawlikowski's perspective on Laudato Si'.