Assumption Catholic Church
323 West Illinois Street - Chicago IL 60654
(ph) 312-644-0036 (fax) 312-644-1838

History of Activities at Assumption
The life of the parish

Drawn from our home page, these items describe some of our activities. Show in inverse order of the event date.

To find something specific - use the <ctrl>F feature of your browser.

Eucharistic Adoration      12/23/2024

There is exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the Third Monday of the month from 5:00 to 7:00pm. Adoration will next take place on Monday, October 21. To learn more about Eucharistic Adoration, watch this short video by Fr. Mike Schmitz. 

Assumption Young Adults      10/22/2024

Assumption Young Adults will gather for wine and cheese following the 5:00pm Mass on Sunday October 20. For more information, email AYA is for anyone in their twenties or thirties, single, coupled, or married.

Blessing of Runners October 12, 5:00pm Mass      10/13/2024

Our annual blessing of runners participating in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon on October 13 will take place during the 5:00pm Mass on Saturday, October 12. Runners and their family, friends, and fan club are our special guests that day.

Parish Prayer Walk - Wednesday Oct 9      10/9/2024
Join us for a Prayer Walk this 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟗 𝐚𝐭 𝟓:𝟑𝟎𝐩𝐦. Prayer walks are a centuries-old tradition that merge walking with prayer & contemplation of God's presence.
The walk will take approx. 45 minutes, 1.3 miles, or about 3000 steps. Be prepared to cross streets and go up and down stairs.
Meet up in the garden at 5:30 this Wednesday - and enjoy some fun, spiritual exercise!

Continuing Support for an Immigrant Family     ...more 10/1/2024

The Assumption team continues to support the family who immigrated from Mexico to obtain treatment for their son's leukemia. This support includes subsidies for rent, transportation services, and more. Click for the updated story

OCIA has begun, but it's not too late to join      9/30/2024

  If you are over 18 and have never been baptized, maybe you should be part of this year's OCIA process. If you were baptized in another Christian faith and are considering becoming Catholic, maybe you should be part of this year's OCIA process. If you were baptized Catholic and never made First Communion and Confirmation, maybe you should be part of this year's OCIA process. OCIA (formerly RCIA) stands for Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is a group experience that begins in September and will continue until next May. For more information, contact Fr. Joe.  

Click on the photo for a better view of last year's group!

Alpha Has Begun!      9/30/2024

There is still time to join! Alpha is for everyone. If you are a life-long Catholic, Alpha affords you the opportunity to develop a more personal connection with Christ and a greater ability to share your faith with others. If you are not a churchgoer, or go only occasionally, or if you are asking yourself the big questions in life, Alpha allows you to ask your questions, express your doubts, and share your grievances in a non-judgmental atmosphere. Bring a friend! We start with dinner, then a movie, and end with great conversation. For more information or to register, email

Assumption's Anniversary Hot Dog Feast     ...more 9/15/2024

It was 138 years ago that The Assumption Parish celebrated the first Mass in this building. This celebration recognized that event, linked with the Feast of The Assumption, on Sunday, August 18. The inaugural stone is shown below;
click to see the rest of the celebration.

And click here to see a short video re-cap!

Labor Day      9/3/2024

The dignity of workers has long been a concern of the Catholic Church. Why not come and pray for justice for all who labor? Mass on Labor Day, Monday September 2, will be at 7:30 and 10:30am.

Feast of St. Philip Benizi      8/25/2024

Friday August 23 is the Feast of St. Philip Benizi, a fourteenth century Servite Friar held in such high esteem that he was considered a leading candidate for Pope. Once when a town was experiencing famine, Philip prayed for relief and bread miraculously appeared. Since that time, it has been a Servite custom to bless bread on the Feast of St. Philip. Our Servite Secular Order is providing bread that we will bless and distribute at the 7:00 and 12:10 Masses on August 23.

Celebrating our Parish Anniversary - This Sunday!      8/18/2024

Assumption is celebrating our 143rd anniversary as a parish and the 138th anniversary of the First Mass offered in the present church. We are celebrating the Feast of the Assumption into the weekend!

To celebrate our anniversary, we are having a picnic following the 12:15pm Mass on Sunday August 18. Enjoy real Chicago Style Hot Dogs for $2 each, with chips, cookies, and beverage. Test your skills at picnic games in our beautiful garden. Guided tours of Assumption Church will be offered at 1:45pm and 2:00pm. All are welcome! Surviving for 143 years is no small feat. Come and celebrate!

Solemnity of the Assumption      8/15/2024

Thursday, August 15, is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, a holy day of obligation and our parish feast day. Our present church building was dedicated August 15, 1886.

The Dogma of the Assumption holds that at the end of her earthly life, Mary was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory. Mass will be celebrated at 7:00am, 12:10pm, and 6:00pm on August 15.

Parking at 311 will be available for the 12:10pm and 6:00pm Masses.

Helping Shelter Residents      8/12/2024

The Servite Secular Order at Assumption is conducting a toiletries drive for a men's and a women's shelter. Please place your donation in the box near the Vatican flag. The collection runs through August 11.

Fr. Joe Celebrates 40     ...more 7/20/2024
Parishioners and friends gathered to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Fr. Joe Chamblain's ordination as a priest.

After the Celebratory Mass at 12:15, well-wishers gathered in the church hall to offer congratulations and words of appreciation.

Click for a video of the event

Click for images of people having a great time!

Garden Blessing      7/16/2024

Our annual blessing of the parish garden was on Sunday June 30.  It was a beautiful day to gather outside in the June breeze. After the blessing, refreshments and friendship were served! 

Click here or on the photo for a video re-cap. 

Help for Immigrants and Refugees      7/10/2024

Our “adopted” family, having travelled to Chicago from Mexico last summer, has moved into a home in McKinley Park whose rent is being paid by our generous parishioners.

Four year old Emiliano has received a bone marrow transplant from his 6 year old brother and continues to be treated for his leukemia at Lurie Children’s Hospital. Members of our group are driving Emiliano and his mother to the medical appointments once or twice a week. They are so grateful for our help.
More drivers are needed if anyone has time to help.

Babysitters are also needed at various times if anyone is interested.
We are asking for donations to continue so we can help with food and transportation costs and babysitting if we can’t get enough volunteers.

This family of a mom and six children ages 2 to 12 are adapting to life in Chicago with the help of many volunteers. We hope to bring them on a few outings this summer and welcome everyone’s participation.

Eucharistic Procession Passing Through Chicago      7/2/2024

From July 17-21 in Indianapolis, there will be a National Eucharistic Congress, the first one in our country in 83 years. Four Eucharistic pilgrimage groups have departed from four parts of the United States, to converge in Indianapolis on July 17. One of these pilgrimage groups will stop in Chicago from June 28 to 30. In union with Eucharistic events planned in the Archdiocese that weekend, Assumption will have a special Holy Hour on Saturday morning, June 29, following the 7:30am Mass.

Laudato Si’ Synodal Journey     ...more 7/1/2024

On Saturday, May 18, members of the Archdiocese’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform Team met at Assumption to engage in dialogue about the church’s calling for all people to care for our common home.
As part of this event, the team planted a bush in the Assumption Garden. Say hello to our newest plant, Henry’s Garnet (Sweetspire), which was chosen based upon the fact that this pollinator is native to the area, sports white flowers in the summer, and blazes fall colors later in the year. It will make a perfect addition to our garden  (Click "More info" above for more photos).

Feeding the Hungry      6/26/2024

Assumption will be providing the evening meal for Chicago Help Initiative at the Catholic Charities building, LaSalle and Huron, on Wednesday June 26.   Would you . . . or a group of you or your family or friends… like to help serve the meal? Email and indicate that you are from Assumption. Volunteers are asked to be at Catholic Charities from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.

Garden Happenings      6/15/2024

Join the fun! Become one of our Assumption garden helpers for the summer. No green thumb necessary. If you can water a plant, you're in! It's a great way to enjoy the outdoors.

Contact for more information.


Many Ways to Pray      6/1/2024

Assumption's Leadership Group has produced a series of ten-minute videos about various aspects of prayer. One or more of them might help jumpstart your prayer life.

Note: These videos are not sequential and can be viewed in any order. Start with whichever one strikes you the most!

Try a Spiritual Temperaments Quiz 

Ice Cream Social      5/31/2024
Last Sunday, May 19, we celebrated three wonderful things. Pentecost, May Crowning, and an Ice Cream Social. As Fr. Joe said, what better way to celebrate the birthday of the church than with ice cream?
Click on the image to watch a short re-cap of a beautiful day in our garden.

Helping Shelter Residents      5/20/2024

The Servite Secular Order at Assumption is conducting a toiletries drive to aid the residents of a men's and a women's shelter in Chicago. Your donations may be left in the silver box in the front of Church. The drive ends August 11.

Married Couples Celebration      5/10/2024

On Saturday, April 13, Assumption welcomed sixteen couples for a special Mass, renewal of wedding vows, and a bountiful brunch. Nine of the couples attended a morning session for couples married less than five years, led by Fr. John Fontana.

Feast of St. Peregrine      5/6/2024

Saturday, May 4, is the Feast of St. Peregrine, a fourteenth century Servite Friar, who was miraculously healed of cancer, after spending all night before an image of Christ crucified. He is the patron saint of those living with cancer, and devotions in honor of St. Peregrine take place after the 12:10 Mass on Mondays.

In honor of St. Peregrine, we will offer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick during the 7:30am Mass on May 4. This Sacrament is for those whose life is at risk because of age or illness.

Saturday Sandwich Makers      5/1/2024
The sandwich crew assembles bag-lunches with sandwiches - to be distributed by the Chicago Help Initiative. The boxes of product, ready to be transported, describe a job well done!

Welcome!      4/28/2024

At the Easter Vigil Mass we celebrated the Baptism of Gloria Corujo and Amanda Rodriguez, and received into full membership with the Catholic Church Elizabeth Hedrick, Conora Shaw, Jorge Vivas, Cindy Plascencia, Axel Leyva-Villegas, and James Garner. Click on the picture for a high quality version.

All of our Elect and Candidates were Confirmed and made their First Holy Communion at this Mass. How about you? Are you not baptized? Baptized Catholic but never made your First Communion and Confirmation? Baptized Christian but would like to know more about the Catholic Church? Contact Fr. Joe for more information.

Parish Lasagna Dinner      4/22/2024

Italian food returns to the Parish Hall! Join us on Saturday, April 20, following the 5:00pm Mass (or 6:00 to 8:00pm), for a simple meal of lasagna, salad, fresh baked bread, dessert, wine, beer, or soda. Tickets are $50 each, $25 for children under 12. Reservations are required. Purchase tickets on GiveCentral or by calling the Parish Office.


Pew Project Retrospective Video      4/13/2024

We thank you for all of your support during our Pew Replacement Project this past January.  Enjoy this 4-minute retrospective of how it all went! 

Click on the picture (or HERE) to watch.

Evenings of Faith     ...more 3/20/2024

The Wednesdays of Lent

The program begins with Mass in Church at 6:00pm followed by a simple Lenten meal served at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. The speaker’s session is from 7:00 – 8:00pm. 

Join us for the entire evening or for any portion. Reservations are required only for the meal. (A $5 donation is suggested for the meal.)

[Program details]  [Reserve for the meal]  

The Night Before Jesus Died      3/20/2024

On Wednesday March 20 at 7:00pm, Fr. Joe will offer the final presentation in our Lenten Evenings of Faith series, focusing on the meal Jesus shared with his followers the night before he died. The talk will look at the meaning of ritual meals in the Jewish tradition, what the four Gospels actually say about the Last Supper and how this meal served as the culmination of Jesus' public ministry. In this year of the Eucharistic Revival (and, acccording to surveys, waning belief in "the real presence"), Fr. Joe will offer his perspective on what this meal celebrated in memory of Jesus can mean for us today.

Come to the Parish Hall at 7:00pm Wednesday, March 6. Even better, come for Mass at 6:00 and make a reservation for the meal at 6:30. The 311 garage will be open.

RCIA Rite of Election      3/15/2024

Our RCIA group of Catechumens and Candidates participated in the Rite of Sending on Sunday, February 18 before going to Holy Name Cathedral for the Right of Election. Please keep them in prayer, as they enter these final weeks of preparation before celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation on Holy Saturday night. 

Lenten Scripture Study      3/12/2024

We invite you to participate in a weekly guided study and discussion of the Scriptures assigned for the Sundays of Lent, using materials provided by Renew International. The group will meet in the Rectory on Monday evenings from 6:00 to 7:15pm from Feb 12 - Mar 18. For more information or to sign up email

Assumption Young Adults     ...more 2/25/2024


Over 30 members enjoyed pizza and comeraderie in a kick-off to a new season. Learn more about this organization and its variety of activities.  Click here for more images and videos!

Lenten Fish Fry      2/24/2024

Back by popular demand, our Lenten Fish Fry will be Friday, February 23 from 5:00 to 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. $25.00 per person (all you can eat); children 5 to 11, $15.00; under 5, free. Meal includes fish, sides, salad, dessert, and drinks. Reservations are requested. To make reservations, go on-line to GiveCentral or call the Parish Office at 312-644-0036. 

Please make your reservations by THURSDAY AT NOON so that we can order appropriately. Thank you!

Click Here to pay online

Hospitality by the Knights of Columbus      2/20/2024

The Assumption KofC provided refreshments to over 50 guests in the first "Hospitality Sunday" of the season.  Video of the event 

    ...more 2/13/2024

Welcome Back to Our Beautiful Church

Blessing of Throats      2/4/2024

On the Feast of St. Blase, Saturday, February 3, throats will be blessed during the 7:30am Mass. This ritual recalls the Saint's timely rescue of a boy choking on a fish bone.

Pastoral Council Minutes      1/25/2024

If you have been wondering what your parish pastoral council has been up to lately, minutes are posted on our website. Click on "getting involved" and then go to "Pastoral Council".

Daily Advent Calendar      1/1/2024

An Advent Calendar has been created to help prepare your hearts and minds for the coming of Christ. The neat thing about our Advent calendar is that it features art as well as words. Some of us are more visual and are moved to prayer and medication by great works of art. Look for it here

Christmas Masses      12/27/2023

 Sunday December 24: 3:00, 5:00, 10:00pm

 Monday December 25: 8:30, 10:30, 12:15pm

There will be music at all Masses. A thirty minute program of sacred music will take place before the 3:00pm Mass and the 10:00pm Mass. For the late evening Mass, our parish choir will be joined by additional voices and by musicians from the Haymarket Opera Company. There will be a parking attendant in the 311 Building for all Christmas Masses

The 3:00pm Christmas Eve Mass will be livestreamed.

Visit the daily ADVENT CALENDAR

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception      12/10/2023

On Friday December 8 we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. We honor Mary, who was privileged to be free from sin from the first moment of her existence. The Immaculate Conception is a holyday of obligation and our national feast day. Mass will be at 7:00am, 12:10pm, and 6:00pm.

Advent Bible Study      12/6/2023

The holiday season will soon be upon us. The pace of life will accelerate. Wedged between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the marvelous season of ADVENT, an opportunity to slow down and reflect on how to be more open to the coming of Christ. 

One way to truly enter into the spirit of Advent is to join the Bible Study, which will focus on the Sunday Scriptures of Advent. The group will meet on four Monday evenings from 6:00 - 7:15, beginning November 27. 

Email to register. 

Parish Pastoral Council      11/24/2023

The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to investigate pastoral matters, to consider them thoughtfully, and to propose practical conclusions about them, using a process of “discernment.”
Here are the parishioners who are part of the new council term.

Click to see their faces and learn more about them

The Italian Dinner is November 9     ...more 11/10/2023

 It's a grand Assumption tradition that goes back many decades and celebrates our parish's Italian heritage. The Italian Dinner is Thursday November 9 from 6:00 to 10:00pm at Maggiano's Banquet Center, Clark and Grand. Tickets are $125.00, which includes a five course Italian meal served family style amd wine and beer (There will be a cash bar for those who prefer spirits).
Click for details about many opportunities to win.
To make a reservation, call the Parish Office (312-644-0036) or log on to GiveCentral.

Blessing of Runners      10/20/2023

34 runners in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon participated in a special blessing during the 5:00pm Mass on Saturday October 7. The Marathon is not just an athletic event. Millions of dollars are raised for charity.

Click on the photo for a larger version from this year's blessing.  Click here to watch a video of the blessing.

CATECHISM 101      9/30/2023

Is your knowledge of the Catholic faith a little fuzzy? Are you an RCIA graduate who would like to learn more about the beliefs and practices of the religion you have chosen? Did the pandemic lead you to think more deeply about what really matters in life? For these and many other reasons, you may be interested in joining Deacon Kevin Zajdel for a course on basic Catholic beliefs, using the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults. Sessions begin this fall. For more information, contact Deacon Kevin at