Assumption Catholic Church
323 West Illinois Street - Chicago IL 60654
(ph) 312-644-0036 (fax) 312-644-1838


Our Parish Organizations Invite You to Get Involved 8/15/2024
Opportunities To Serve

Jesus called his followers not only to believe but also to serve.

The Church of Assumption ministers to the physical and spiritual needs of God’s children in a number of ways. Some are within our parish, such as service as lectors or ministers of The Eucharist or members of the choir, some are gatherings of members for study or fellowship, such as the Young Adults or the Knights of Columbus, some support organizations outside of our parish, such as the Chicago Help Initiative, some pool their efforts to help people in real need such as imigrants or refugees.

See Review of past activities Click the blue MENU button for more about many of these activities
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ADORERS OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Keep Jesus company, praying for personal intentions and for the intentions of the parish. Third Monday of the month from 5:00 to 7:00pm.
ALTAR SERVERS: Assist at the altar at Sunday Mass and at special liturgies.
ART & ENVIRONMENT GROUP: Prepares the Church for special seasons and celebrations.
GREETERS: Welcome parishioners and visitors at weekend Masses and provide Welcome Packets to those interested in joining Assumption.
LECTORS: Proclaim the Word of God at weekend and weekday liturgies.
MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST: Help with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass.
MUSIC MINISTERS: Lend your talents to our Choir or our contemporary music program on Sunday evening. Singers and instrumentalists are needed.
ROSARY GROUP: Prays the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary on the first and third Sundays at 11:40. Rosaries provided.
USHERS: Collect and secure church offerings, arrange for gift bearers at Mass, and find seats for worshippers when the church is crowded.
WEDDING COORDINATORS: Direct or facilitate the wedding rehearsal, especially when visiting clergy officiate, and serve as the wedding greeter at the ceremony.
WEDDING GREETERS: Assist at weddings by welcoming guests, directing vendors, guiding the wedding party, and removing materials left after the wedding.


ADULT FAITH BOARD: Plans and implements adult faith programming and activities, including the Lenten Evenings of Faith, Scripture Studies, parish retreats, and the Advent Calendar.
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: Oversees our electronic and print communications and publicizes parish events.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Advises the pastor in financial planning and oversight and in the maintenance and improvement of parish facilities. Individuals willing to serve should express their interest to the pastor.
PASTORAL COUNCIL: Assists the pastor by investigating pastoral matters, considering them thoughtfully, and proposing practical solutions. Consists of nine members, who are discerned to serve three-year terms.


ADULT CATECHISM GROUP: Meets every other week to study and discuss the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults.
ALPHA: Attend or host a series of weekly gatherings that focuses on the fundamentals of Christianity in a welcoming, non-judgmental way.
BIBLE STUDY: Participate in guided discussions of the Books of the Bible and seasonal Scriptures. Sessions are offered in the evening and during the day.
OCIA (The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults): Formerly called RCIA, OCIA prepares adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. A program for young people ages 8 to 17 is also offered. Sponsors and leaders are needed.


ASSUMPTION YOUNG ADULTS: Participate in various spiritual, social, and service activities. AYA is for those in their twenties or thirties--married, single, or coupled.
CHILD CARE: Provides parents with safe, reliable child care for children 18 months—4 years during Sunday Mass.
GARDEN CLUB: Prepares, arranges, and maintains the green space located just west of the church.
HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE: Organizes various social functions during the year, including the monthly Hospitality Sunday.
MEN’S GROUP: Provides an opportunity for men of all ages to meet for inspiration, fellowship, service to the community, and to enhance their spirituality.
SPECIAL EVENTS TEAM: Plans and executes various events that build community and raise funds for the church.


AMBASSADORS: Distribute flyers about Masses and special liturgies to area hotels approximately six times a year.
ASSUMPTION SHARES: Pass out food vouchers to the needy on the first Wednesday of the month.
CREATION CARE COMMITTEE: Alerts us to practical ways to save our common home and calls our attention to climate crisis legislation.
EVANGELIZATION TEAM: Coordinates outreach to the unchurched and helps church members become missionary disciples.
MINISTERS OF CARE: Bring Communion to the sick, hospitalized, and shut-ins, upon completion of a training program.
REFUGEE ASSISTANCE GROUP: Works with local agencies and volunteer groups to provide basic services to recently arrived immigrants and refugees.
SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE: Advocates for positive social change in society, according to Catholic principles.


CHICAGO HELP INITIATIVE (CHI): A volunteer organization that provides a meal and other services every Wednesday afternoon to the needy and homeless at the facilities of Catholic Charities.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: The nation’s oldest Catholic fraternal organization enhances the life of the parish, the church, and the larger community through charity, service, and Christian witness.
SERVITE SECULAR ORDER: A community of lay men and women who seek to grow spiritually by following the example of the Seven Holy Founders of the Order of Friar Servants of Mary.






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